Integration of cloud with AI to predict crop diseases


In the meantime, technology is reaching every domain. In the software industry, Automobiles, Education, Sports, Cinema technology is molding as a backbone to solve problems quickly and effectively. Technology is even used in the medical field. In pandemic situations, online medication is playing a crucial role. Technology can even be used in the agriculture field to identify crop diseases, which is a major problem for farmers. Even it spoils the environment to a great extent. Due to these, farmers are suffering huge losses. There are many reasons for this like the usage of more pesticides as these are very toxic and dangerous. If the diseases are predicted before, then these crop diseases can be removed or killed at the starting stage without causing much crop damage. Some people like experts can determine the disease by looking at the crop, that is by seeing external symptoms. But farmers don't have the connection with the experts. Our project deals with overcoming this problem by using concepts of artificial intelligence and cloud computing. The project goal is to predict crop disease. Farmers can use this project to predict crop disease at an earlier stage and get steps to remove the disease. We will develop an android app and a website that takes the cropped photo as input. Farmers should upload the affected crop images in the app, so those experts will observe the symptoms and predict the diseases. Here, the project interacts with experts and gets the required solutions. In the absence of experts, an Artificial Intelligence model is trained with the algorithm. This AI model learns from the images uploaded and the expert's instructions to predict the output with more accuracy. Here the cloud is used to save images uploaded by users. AI models are subjected to a large number of datasets that contain disease data and predict the output. The output is then validated by experts to evaluate the correctness of the output.

Shitharth Selvarajan
Shitharth Selvarajan
Lecturer in Cyber Security

My research interests include Cyber Security, Blockchain, Critical Infrastructure & Systems, Network Security & Ethical Hacking.