In a neural network, for classifying any high dimensional data, SOM (Self Organizing Maps) is highly preferred. Self-Organizing Maps (SOM) are unsupervised neural networks that cluster high dimensional data and transform complex inputs into easily understandable inputs. It works on data sets and used to find previously unknown patterns. Patterns help in categorizing elements for finding an association between them. They can detect the adversaries and defects in the data. Neural networks are considered as one of the prolific unsupervised learning methods which are a fast, and powerful technique that can be used to solve many real-world problems. These networks are widely used for data representation. An unsupervised algorithm has to understand the patterns in the data and then further process the desired output. This research proposes a modified neural network algorithm called MUSOM (mutated Self Organizing Maps). This algorithm has two major conjectures based on attacker"s response on incoming packets from SCADA sensor. It has two components 1.nodes and 2.neurons. These nodes and neurons are interconnected with each other. One is used to accomplish fault tolerance, error correction and.dimensionality reduction concerning the unknown anomalies. The next one is to find the outlying anomalies in the network.