With the availability of the cloud storage services, users can store data to the cloud and have the access to share the data to others. The cloud file may contain some sensitive information, this information shouldn't be exposed to others. The possible solution could be to encrypt the whole file which is shared before sending it to the cloud and to generate the signature to verify the encrypted file. Then, upload the encrypted file and signatures to the cloud. This enables the sensitive information to be private and only the owner can decrypt the file. Hence, it is not feasible to use by others. Distributing the decryption is the possible way to access it by others. However, it is not the efficient solution to implement this method in real scenarios. In order to overcome this approach, an efficient solution is implemented. In this new approach, sensitive information is kept private and can easily execute without any complications. Here, a sanitizer is used to sanitize the block which contains the sensitive information of the file. Firstly, the user binds the data blocks with respect to the sensitive information of the original data and generates a digital signature to that block and then sends it to the sanitizer. The sanitizer filters these data blocks and also sanitizes the data corresponding to the sensitive information. It also evaluates the corresponding signatures into valid ones. The signature is used to prove that the cloud truly possesses the data blocks. The third-party auditor is a public verifier, it verifies the data stored in the cloud on behalf of the user. This method supports the data sharing so that the sensitive information is protected in the cloud.